I love this so much! I bought it a few years ago along with the Acqua Di Rose. I've mostly used the Rose one but came back to this recently—and I think I prefer it. It of course feels great on the skin, both as a face mist and body mist. The smell at first I think I found a bit too bitter and medicinal, which is why I didn't use it all that much. But I've tired of the Rose one and rediscovered this in my cupboard. I have to say that no other aroma can transport me back to summer in Italy. I spent several months in Rome during the spring and early summer years ago, and Acqua Di Fior Arancio brings me right back. It feels like I'm standing near a cool fountain on a hot, breezy summer day. It's floral and so true to life Neroli, but also has a dewey, watery effect. I know it's literally an aromatic "water", but still, scent-wise, it has a tangible, cooling and refreshing watery accord. While the scent is light, it has more projection and longevity that Acqua Di Rose, particularly on fabric. I like to lavishly spray it on my clothes, neck and face when I feel like a refresh, and I can definitely smell the scent bubble for a time, and even longer as a subtle skin scent.
I wish SMN would release a full line in this scent. Would love body lotion or, better yet, a body and face oil!